The Accounts feature lets you capture organizational details about the high schools, colleges, and businesses you work and keep it all in one place.
With Accounts, you will be able to store and track details in account fields, see all contacts associated with an organization, as well as create segments and personalize emails with account fields.
In this article:
- How the Accounts feature works
- Create an account record for a business or organization
- Delete an account
How the Accounts feature works
The Accounts feature can be used to contain a record for each institution or business you work with. Each of these records can house information such as:
- Organization name
- Physical mailing address
- Description
- Organization website
- Information collected in custom fields
- Associated contacts
- Notes
- Pipelines associated with contacts within the organization
In addition, you can use information collected in Account fields (standard and custom) to segment contacts and personalize communications.
Create an account record for a business or organization
You can create and edit account records from high schools, community organizations, colleges and universities, or businesses. Once an account record is created, it will be listed on the Accounts Overview page where you can view and update it at any time.
Best Practice: If your student information system or alumni database contains pick list values for high schools, colleges, or universities, create Account records by importing the existing pick list.
To manually create a new account record:
1. Click “Contacts” located in the left menu.
2. Click "Accounts."
3. Click the “Add an Account” button.
4. A modal window will appear. Type the name of the account and website (if known) into the fields provided.
5. Click the “Add” button.

The record page for the new account will load. From here, you can add additional information to the record in the About, Notes, Contacts, and Deals sections.

Add information to the Account record
The “About” section on the account record contains standard fields that you can use to capture and store information. You can also create custom account fields as needed to store additional information.
As custom fields are created, they will appear in the “About” section of the account record.
Standard account fields
The standard account fields that eduConverse provides are:
- Physical address
- Phone number
- Description
- Number of employees
- Annual revenue
- Industry/vertical
Note that you will be able to edit the answer options for both the "Annual Revenue" and "Industry/Vertical" fields on the Manage Fields page in your eduConverse account.
To populate any of these fields, click the “Click to add” line and either type the information into the fields provided or select a value from the dropdown field. When finished, click the “Save” button.

Custom account fields
If you need to track additional organizational information, such as “County,” “CEEB Code,” “School Type,” or social media websites, you can do so with custom account fields.
Note that you will need permission to manage account custom fields.
To add a custom account field from an account record:
1. Click the “Manage Fields” link on the Account details page. You’ll be directed to the “Manage Fields” page.
2. Click the “Add an account field” button.
3. The "Add Field" modal will open.
- Type the name of the field into the field provided
- Click the "Group" dropdown and click the group that the field should be in
- Click the "Field Type" dropdown and click the type of field you wish to create. If you choose Drop-down menu, List Box, Radio Button, or Check box(es), you will also need to provide value options
4. Click the "Add" button when finished.
The custom field will be added to your account.
See this help article on Custom Account Fields for more information.
View and add account notes
The “Notes” section of the account record displays notes for accounts, related contacts, and related deals.
To create a note:
1. Click the “Add a note” link in the Notes box.

2. Type the note into the field provided.
3. Click the “Save” button.
Your note will be stored and you will be able to refer to it in the future when you need it.
Add and remove contacts to accounts
The Contacts box lists individuals associated with an account. You can use the "Add a Contact" link located inside this box to add contacts to the account.
Note that a single contact can only be associated with a single account.
1. Click the “Add a contact” link located in the Contacts box.
2. A modal window will appear. Start to type the contact’s name or email address into the field provided. A list of suggested contacts will appear based on what you've typed.

3. Click the desired contact to add them to the account.
4. Click the "Add" button.
The contact will be added to the account and will appear on the "Contacts" widget located on the Account Details page.
Add a new contact to an account
1. Click the “Add a contact” link located in the Contacts box.
2. A modal window will appear. Start to type the contact’s name or email address into the field provided.
3. Click the "Create" button.
4. In the next window, complete the additional fields for the contact.
5. Click the "Save" button.
A profile record will be created for the new contact and they will appear on "Contacts" widget located on the Account Details page.
Last contacted date field
Each contact added to an account will have a "Last Contacted" date field. If you're adding a new contact to an account, this field will not yet be populated with a date. The "Last Contacted" field will update with a date when one of the following four events happen:
- A one-to-one email is sent to the contact
- A campaign or automation email is sent to the contact
- A contact task is completed
- A deal task is completed (this represents whether or not the student matriculated)
Edit a contact from an account record
You can add/edit the first name, last name, job title, phone number, and email address for a contact from an account record.
To do so:
1. Locate the contact you wish to update.
2. Hover your mouse over the contact and click the pencil icon.
3. A modal window will open. Type the updated information into the fields provided.
4. Click the “Save” button.
The updated information will also be displayed on the contact’s profile record.
Remove a contact from an account record
You can remove a contact's association with an account. Removing a contact's association with an account will not delete their profile record.
1. From the Account Details record, locate the contact you wish to remove.
2. Hover your mouse over the contact and click the "X."
3. Click the “Remove” button that appears in the confirmation message.
Delete an account
If you no longer need an account record, you can permanently delete it from either the Accounts Overview page or the account record.
Once an account is deleted, all information will be lost and cannot be restored. This includes any deals created for the account. If any contacts were associated with the deleted account, they will remain in your eduCRM account and can be accessed from the Contacts Overview page.
Before deleting the account, we recommend using the bulk editor to apply a tag to all contacts who were associated with this account for record-keeping.
Delete an account from the Accounts Overview page
1. Click Contacts then click Accounts.
2. Click the checkbox next to the account you wish to delete.
3. Click the delete button.
4. A confirmation modal will appear. Click the "Delete" button.
Delete an account from an Account Details record
1. Click Contacts then click Accounts.
2. Click the account you wish to delete.
3. Click the "Actions"dropdown. This is located on the top right of the account record.
4. Click the “Delete Account” button.
5. A confirmation modal will appear. Click the "Delete" button.