The Exports page in your eduConverse account lists all contact exports that are in progress and that are complete. This includes exports for:
- All contacts
- A single contact
- Lists
- Segments
- Advanced searches
You can use this page to view details of your exports and download results.
Note that you will only see export results for exports you performed.
View your past exports
To view your past exports:
1. Click the "Contacts" tab in the left menu.
2. Click "Exports."
The Exports page will list all exports you performed.

Each export on this page shows the date and time the export was created, the number of contacts contained in the export, the status of the export, and export actions.
View export conditions
Clicking the arrow next to the timestamp for an export will open a new tab in your browser where you can see the conditions used to create the export.

For example, if you exported a list, you'll see the list name. If you exported a segment or an advanced search, you'll see those segment or search conditions.

Export statuses
Each entry on the Exports page will have a status. They are:
- Finished
If an export has a "Finished" status, then that means the export ran successfully and you can download the results. An export will have a "Finished" status for 7 days. After 7 days, it will be listed as "Expired." - Expired
An export with an "Expired" status means that the download link is no longer valid. If you need to download an expired export, you can do so by clicking "Retry" under Actions for that entry, then clicking "Export." - Failed
An export with a "Failed" status means that the export was unsuccessful. If this happens, click "Retry" under Actions for that entry, then click "Export" again.
Export actions
There are two Export actions that you can use:
- Download
Clicking "Download" will allow you to download the export results. - Retry
Clicking "Retry" will open a new tab in your browser where you can export the results.